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Global Futures and Foresight (GFF) develops views of the future to help its clients embrace change with more certainty, thereby releasing the full power of their creativity and innovation.


GFF helps its clients to reduce their risk of being blindsided by change and to be better enabled to adapt to the fast changing world. 


It does this through through its own research and by undertaking futures research, collaborative projects with its clients, forming composite ideas of what their future could look like and with what impact and most importantly, how they might respond.


GFFs clients number some of the largest and most prestigious firms from around the world. 

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The GFF icon was painted by Slobodan, an artist living in Nice, France. He paints on the reverse side of glass. So he has to paint the buttons on the coat before the coat - a challenging process and certainly one that requires him to consider what he's going to do in the 'future' as he creates his painting - as there's no going back over what's already painted.


The icon depicts three children, who are our future, looking out into the distance across the earth in different directions from different standpoints.


In the same way we have perspectives on the world depending upon our location and circumstances and the direction we are looking.


So much more insight can be brought to bare by looking a little wider into the same future but from different standpoints. This is what GFF brings to it's clients. Enhanced context for the future and foresight on the environment we will all soon be operating in and the means to factor that into their strategy.

David Smith

David A. Smith

Chief Executive

David is one of the world's leading futurologists and strategic thinkers, having founded GFF (Global Futures & Foresight) in 2006.  


Before founding GFF David held numerous strategic roles including strategic marketing director for Unisys $2 billion global financial services business. Whilst at Unisys he co-created their Global Futures Forum.


He is widely sought after as a professional futurist, author and speaker, having addressed over 450 conferences and events in 42 countries across 5 continents in the past ten years. 


Peer review by Patrick Dixon, Chairman of Global Change, and perhaps the world's number 1 ranked futurist, says of David that he is: "One of the world's leading authorities on global trends. He leads a powerful research team and is a fascinating speaker. He has helped some of the largest multinationals identify and respond to significant trends and is much sought after for his advice".


David has also helped academic institutions and industry associations to embrace change and prepare innovative strategies to renew themselves and generate new growth. He helps organisations think about key issues of the near future and stimulate out of the box thinking.

Graeme Leach

Graeme M. Leach

Director of Economics

One of Britain's leading economists and a former Chief Economist and Director of Policy at the Institute of Directors (IoD), where he was also a member of the Board. Graeme represented the IoD in economic discussions with the Chancellor and 10 Downing Street. Graeme founded macronomics in 2016, which is a macroeconomic, geopolitical and future megatrends research consultancy. He is a visiting professor of economic policy and a senior fellow of the Legatum Institute in London. He is also a member of the IEA Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC).


He has spent a lifetime in economics, futures and foresight, having started his career at The Henley Centre for Forecasting.


Over recent decades Graeme has made 100s of speeches on the future economy and megatrends, in more than 25 countries across the globe.


He has recently finished his new book: The Great Race - Who will win the battle for economic supremacy in the 21st century, to be published in 2020.


Graeme has undertaken 100s of live television and radio interviews on BBC News, Sky News, Radio 4's Today Programme and others. Over the past 5 years he has written a weekly column for the City AM newspaper and numerous articles for the Daily Telegraph.

'2020 Vision'
A view we took of the future of 2020 back in 2000
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